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Transcription Solutions 24X7

delivering quality, accuracy & speed at low cost
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Home Our Services Expert Witness
       At Indraft, we support a number of experts in different fields and are fully aware that each expert in each profession have their own terminology, style and requirements. However, where the expert prefers to use a particular format or template, we are able to incorporate this into their reports, thus facilitating ease of preparing the report. By taking away the burden of typing reports, you can dedicate your time and that of your staff, to developing your expert witness practice and managing it more efficiently.

Benefits to the Expert:

  • Excellent quality control standards guaranteeing a very high level of accuracy
  • Quick turnaround times to ensure that you are always able to meet the tight deadlines
  • Dedicated transcription teams trained in the terminology of your recognised field
  • Customised formats


Your use of Indraft services can be as flexible as suits your needs. You can use us regularly, or just on a temporary basis to cover secretarial holidays, sickness, or even to catch up with your backlog.

Turnaround times:

Indraft’s offices operate 24/7 throughout the year. All dictation received before 1200 on a weekday is returned by no later than 1700 the same day; dictation received after 1200 may be returned the same day, but at any event no later than 0900 the next day. Work received at the weekend will be returned latest by 0900 Monday.


Indraft recognises that its clients’ work may be sensitive and confidential, and we always prepare and sign a Confidentiality Agreement in favour of the client. All files are transferred via our ShareFile tools which encrypt the files at rest and in transit. Indraft is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and complies with GDPR requirements and guidelines issued by the ICO in relation to keeping clients’ information confidential.


Indraft is constantly upgrading their services to reflect advances in technology. We currently use the most modern technology to enable us to provide quality, accuracy and excellent turn around time solutions to our clients at the most cost effective prices.